
To submit a testimonial, use the form below or email us.

"I am a Neuromuscular Massage Therapist and Health Coach with a specialty in helping people resolve chronic pain.  During the past 22 years of practice, I have often found that chronic pain or other health issues that refuse to resolve, have an emotional and/or spiritual component that is blocking the body's ability to achieve true and lasting healing.  Karen Russ has an amazing ability to help individuals uncover those toxic emotions, old wounds, negative patterns or spiritual blocks that have kept them sick or in pain.  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Karen works as a partner with her clients, giving them a safe, supportive environment to explore the root cause of the issue so that they can move forward into genuine health and freedom.  Her tool kit includes a compassionate, yet proactive attitude, keen discernment into both what is being said and an ability to "read between the lines".  She is a prayer warrior with a strong knowledge of scripture and an equally strong knowledge in nutrition and natural healing.  Her passion is to "set the captives free" whether it be physical or emotional or spiritual bondage.  Karen is truly one of the most "well rounded" healers and therapists that I have ever met".  R.S., LMT, Health Coach

"Karen, I wanted to thank you for the prayers and counseling. I really felt the power of the Holy Spirit’s anointing upon you and I was surprised how much better I felt after working with you.  I have a much greater understanding now of how to deepen my relationship with the Lord and my path overall. I love how you ‘keep it real’, yet do so from a place of love and compassion. For years, I have been trying to forgive certain people in my past and unfortunately, therapy did not help as much as I’d hoped it would. It was so much easier for me to forgive the people who had hurt me, once I was able to let go of all the anger and resentment I had been carrying around. Your emotional release work, prayers and counseling really helped me to finally forgive".  N.A.

"I have a degree in theology and am very knowledgeable about the Bible and the Word of God.  What I love about Karen’s approach to helping people, is that she is able to impart wisdom from the Bible and use her spiritual gifts in a very practical yet powerful way, to free people from all sorts of bondage (emotional, physical, spiritual). She is very heart-centered and caring, and is truly gifted in her ability to receive revelation from the Holy Spirit to get to the heart of someone’s core issues. I have found her work to be of great benefit to me personally”.  L.H.

“I wanted to thank you for the session. It helped me let go of the grief I felt over losing my wife to cancer. I realized how much I felt like a failure because I couldn’t save her and that feeling like a failure was also affecting my business. I definitely needed to let go of that".  M.C.

“Thank you for getting me in so quickly. It really helped me feel completely at peace with the end of my relationship. It was an absolute lifesaver. Praise God"!  A.B.

“Karen, I wanted to let you know that I had great success with the initial session. Remember that I was afraid to drive on freeways? I’ve had no problems with that now! I even drove to Hilton Head, Charleston and Savannah when I had a friend who was visiting from Los Angeles".  L.L.

“I wanted to write this note of thanks to you and let you know that you are just an awesome person to know. You are compassionate, warm and made me feel totally relaxed during my session. My positive experience through your prayers and healing has cleared my virus (Hepatitis C). God uses you in a mighty way. Thank you.” D.C.P.

"I knew that the Lord had sent me to the right place when I found Karen Russ. Karen is extremely knowledgeable about verbally and emotionally abusive relationships.  I am so grateful that God sent me to her because now I feel like I can function again. I'm able to even consider opening my heart to someone again. She has showed me how to become powerful in Christ, fight off the enemy and identify the red flags of potential abusers so I don't pick Mr. Wrong again. I feel that for the first time in a long time I can breathe and feel relaxed. I can't tell you what it means to no longer feel like a broken and shattered person. With her help, the Lord is restoring me to a ’sound mind’ and healing my heart and confidence”.  L. D.

“I wanted to let you know that not only did my golf score improve but so did my shoulder pain. I felt much more relaxed and focused and when I hit a bad shot, I didn’t get frustrated and lose my concentration like I normally do. My foursome buddies were definitely surprised at the sudden change in my game.” W.T.

“I am amazed at how easily I was able to let go of all the shame and trauma from being molested. It had plagued me for years and I now realize how it made me feel undeserving of love and success. The emotional release work you did with me was remarkable and I look forward to working with you on other issues”. F.P.

"Karen, I just had to tell you how much better I feel. Overall, I have a very upbeat feeling and have experienced very little anxiety at all. I didn't feel the constant tension and stress in my whole body that I have felt for so many years. It is wonderful! I am so pleased and excited... God has blessed you with such wisdom in how you set up your process. I thank God for you."   D.S (thyroid cancer)

“Karen, I would like to submit my testimonial regarding the effectiveness of your work. You helped identify and enabled me to receive from God a healing of my blocks related to work, which resulted in my being offered the opportunity of a lifetime. Right after our session, this opportunity literally came from out of nowhere, through a miraculous scenario. Not only does my new boss really like and appreciate me, but it is a dream job, that is fun. This new position has so much less stress and disharmony associated with it and my earning potential has doubled! I can’t thank you (and God) enough and look forward to working with you on some other issues”. S.B.

“I was at a point in my life where I didn’t care whether I lived or died and was committing slow suicide. I was taking 12 prescription medications for various illnesses and was seeing a psychiatrist regularly for depression, anxiety and panic disorder. After going to the Mayo Clinic and spending tens of thousands of dollars, I was told I could not be helped. As a result of Karen’s work, I am off all medication, have lost 50 lbs. and no longer see a psychiatrist. I literally credit her (and God) with saving my life. I now have a renewed zest for life and feel better about myself than I have in years. Many people have commented on the change in my appearance and demeanor. Also, my business has dramatically expanded and I have reached several milestones in my career that I’d only dreamed about.” R.K.

“I am amazed at how easily I was able to let go of all the horrible feelings from being molested as a child. You also helped me to realize how this shame had negatively impacted other areas of my life. The prayers and deliverance work you did was incredible and I look forward to working on other issues.  J.D.

“No wonder I couldn’t lose weight! Thank you so much for helping me identify and let go of what you call ‘psychological reversal’. I love your approach and have already lost a significant amount of weight”.  A.S.

“Since my session, I have felt totally different on so many planes. I feel a new sense of expectation rather than the fear or dread that was feeding an ever increasingly morbid depression. Physically, I feel a tremendous release of stress. I am sleeping better and have more energy. Spiritually, I am soaring. I am so pleased with my experience that I have thus far, referred 6 people to you.” J.H., Clinical Psychologist

“After the session, despite having difficulty reading due to cataracts, I had so much improvement that I was able to read the book that you gave me.” Dr. L.M., M.D.

“As a physician, I am quite skeptical. However, my allergies were alleviated. I am asymptomatic and no longer need to take antihistamines or use inhalers”. Dr. A.T., M.D.

“After the distant healing session and the prayers, I won $900 in the lottery and slept soundly for the first time in a long time". Praise God! E.S. Phd., Research Scientist

“I recently remarked to a physician colleague whom I was referring to Karen, that she can save someone thousands of dollars in therapy because she cuts right through to the core of someone’s issues. Her abilities and healing are truly remarkable. I highly recommend her to my patients and to anyone.” Dr. R.R., D.C.

"As a result of the healing you did over me, I felt a tingling in my head, energy unblock and begin to flow and a feeling of warmth and wellness come over me. It was as if something had lifted off of me. I honestly was surprised how someone who is so petite could produce such powerful effect. Also, after we prayed over my business, we were awarded a very lucrative contract within a matter of days. I highly recommend you to anyone who truly desires to change their circumstances.” R.Y., Physicist

“I called you at a time in my life when I felt absolutely desperate, alone and helpless. I was injured and unable to work, had no money and my car was breaking down. After the distant healing and prayers, I found a wonderful new job, my body began to heal and someone came into my life who bought me a brand new $30,000 car as a gift. Talk about miracles! I can’t thank you enough and thank Jesus everyday for providentially bringing you into my life.” L.C.

“Before going to Karen, I had little belief in miracles. My mind was opened when within two weeks of our session, I met my soulmate and four months later, I was married to him, was able to quit my job and my husband adopted my two children. Karen showed me how to believe in and accept and ask for the love we all can have and deserve, by letting go of condemnation, negative thought patterns and self-sabotage. She is very clear and concise and I would recommend her to anyone who is not getting all they desire out of life and who wants to grow in their relationship with Christ..” T.L.

 “I have been bulimic, off and on, for over ten years. Although I was able to hide it pretty well, at the end of each day I was always feeling anxious and overwhelmed. After just one session with Karen, I felt a sense of ‘lightness’ that I had not experienced in a long time. Working with Karen has provided me with real tools that I can use on a daily basis to overcome my destructive behavior and instead focus my energy in a constructive way towards building the life that I want. Finally, I have worked with different therapists over the years and I have found Karen’s approach as a healer remarkable and refreshing. Her focus is clearly on the power of God and creating results – and that is what you get.” K.J.

“I was working on a work project one afternoon on the Internet and strangely, somehow ended up entering her website. I was amazed at how I found the website to begin with, particularly, when I realized she was located in the Atlanta area. I had to take notice when I was brought to her in such a spiritual way. Even so, I was still not familiar with her at all and was somewhat skeptical. However, I felt instantly at ease with her and it was a very exhilarating and moving feeling I experienced while we were in session. I felt like someone had injected me with a triple dose of B-12. I have so much energy and feel wonderful. I was also able to release such negative feelings I still had from my childhood and past situations. I feel so much lighter and clearer in my thinking and decisions daily”.   K.E.

“I’m embarrassed by how many things I tried before coming to see you. I was at my wit’s end when a friend gave me your name. Finally – some progress! Thanks for giving hope to someone who felt completely hopeless”. K.W.

“Thank you so much! You are a very compassionate and kind soul. You are giving my heart peace. That is a gift that no one gave me before.” S.H. (Mother was murdered by Father in front of her).

"Your work is having a cumulative effect on me. I am actually enjoying the process of discovering my talents and the best ways to share them". K.M.

“I am still in awe of how quickly the healing got me back on my feet and able to work after the trauma I sustained.” C.M, R.N.

“As a result of our working together, my husband was able to let go of a business that was draining him physically, mentally and financially. Not one, but three business ventures  manifested which allowed us more freedom and to fulfill a lifelong dream of living by the ocean. As for myself, my business reputation has soared and I was recently featured on an Atlanta television show. With respect to our son, the results were so immediate, that during the session, our son called to tell us that his difficult roommate had moved out. So, we thank God for the positive changes and spiritual support that just keeps coming!” B.D.

“Karen has shown me how to take control of my life and make a good life even better. She has a special gift. When you are in her presence you feel that you are with someone special. I have recommended her to many people and they have loved her just as much. We all have it inside of us, she just shows you how to access it, so the life we were meant to live in Christ will begin to materialize.” L.L., CEO

“I had been diagnosed with cancer and was scheduled to undergo exploratory surgery. After the prayers and healing, my physician was astonished to find that all tests showed no trace of the cancer and cancelled the surgery.” J.R.

“The evening you prayed over my 10-year-old son, he was able to sleep through the night without nightmares and remain in his own bed for the first time in 3 years.” Hon. G.B., Judge

“After you prayed for me to clear my blocks to fame and to receiving, within a few days I received an invitation to appear on a national talk show.” M.G.

“Even though we both had problems with addiction and came from alcoholic families, after our session, all craving for alcohol left us and we were able to let go of old destructive habits. I have come to peace with my family and learned to take responsibility for my life. You most definitely have a special gift for helping people. We highly recommend you to anyone.” E.C.

“After you worked with me, I felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders. I was also surprised to find that many troubling physical symptoms left me as well. Several people commented that I looked years younger and was glowing”. M.D.

“Since the session, business at my bookstore increased by 63% the first month and 43% the following month. I now feel energized, focused and re-directed while before I felt I was in a slump and unsure of what to do next.  P.R.

“After you prayed with me for God to heal my electronics company, several employees who were not productive left on their own accord. Two new people showed up wanting to help us start a new division, which resulted in a sales increase of 30%.”   D.R. CEO, Electronics Company

“For years I have tried various forms of therapy to release a ‘dark cloud’ that has been hanging over me for as long as I can remember. I cannot believe how quickly you were able to identify the source of my problem and with your tremendous faith in God helped to set me free”. L.M.

“Before I came to see Karen Russ, I was in a job I hated with no control and unappreciated by my superiors. Within a matter of weeks, a wonderful new job came into my life. For the first time in a long time I feel excited about my future. I cannot begin to thank her enough for all the positive changes that have taken place in my life as a result of her work.” She is truly a powerful servant of Jesus.  J.D.

“Even after attending many seminars and reading countless books, I still was unable to create what I wanted in my life. I was amazed that after just one session, you were able to explain to me simply and clearly where I was going wrong, and more importantly, give me the tools to create a more positive life. After just two weeks, I’ve already experienced major shifts in several areas.” B.C.

 “I had always known that I had self-sabotage and there were things that hindered my ability to be successful. I now know what they are, why they were occurring and feel confident that they are a thing of the past, because you have helped me to learn to stand in authority in Christ.” J.S.

“One session with Karen changed my life forever. Her great insight and information assisted me in finding my own personal power through Christ. I changed from a victim to a warrior. I have found her work to be the most beneficial in my life and thank God for her!” M.G.

“Karen Russ is a sensitive and supportive healer from whose work I have benefited both personally and professionally. On a personal level, she assisted in healing a severe bladder infection I had. On a professional level, she is a mighty prayer warrior and God used her as an instrument to clear negativity out of my workplace, where I am a manager. Immediately thereafter, the owner, staff and I experienced major positive changes in personnel and the general feel of the environment, as well as an increase in business.” N.B.

“After the healing and prayers, over my stepdaughter and husband, it is like living with two different people”.  A.B.

“Karen helped me by addressing negative beliefs and patterns I held that blocked my ability to receive from God. I saw dramatic results in one session with her. I have referred five people to her and all have experienced dramatic results.” D.M.

“Through my work with Karen, I have grown from a desperate and insecure girl to a secure woman. The tools that she has provided me with gave me the strength to let go, and push things away from me if they are not serving my highest good. More than anything, the work with Karen has empowered me in my relationships. Now, I don’t settle for less, or date just to date. S.H.

“After Karen laid hands on me following a serious auto accident, I immediately felt a release of the trauma and a sense of peace and calm came over me. As a nurse, I was very impressed by this”.  C.M. Nurse

“Immediately after Karen and I spoke over the phone, I felt my depression lift and I began to move out of what was becoming an increasingly downward spiral. Also, after we prayed, I manifested a financial miracle which allowed me to travel and attend a seminar I wanted to take. She is very committed to helping people improve their lives and grow in their relationship in Christ.  L.C., L.M.T.

“I was led to Karen at a time when I really needed her. The unexplainable compulsion to move across the country to California to see what life held for me had come to an ignition point, and I finally made the move. After a few months there, my purpose still didn’t seem to be unfolding. A friend suggested I utilize Karen’s counseling skills and I found our session to be the boost I needed to set me in the right direction. Within days I just felt different, saw things differently, something I couldn’t exactly explain. I began to sense a “knowing” about what I should be doing and a clear path started to open up in front of me. I feel that Karen’s work was instrumental to helping me find my path and purpose.” W.P.

“I have experienced life transforming benefits from Karen’s healing sessions. She counsels from a place of love and imparts wisdom in such a way which has brought me clarity and peace. Her work has profoundly impacted my life and the lives of others I know who have worked with her. She helped me gain greater clarity regarding my relationship and helped me realize my full potential as an artist. I highly recommend her to anyone who is in need of spiritual, emotional or physical healing.” F.S.

“Karen is one of the most incredible healers I’ve ever met or worked with. The effect of her prayers have been absolutely miraculous! I have witnessed significant shifts in everything that we have worked together on – emotional and physical ailments and work-related challenges. I attribute the blessings that have occurred in my life from God to the work that Karen has done with me”.  S.B.

“I had no idea what to expect when I began my work with Karen. During my first session with her, I felt something move me on a very deep physical level when she began her work. Within a few days, a new, unforeseen opportunity arose in my career. Then an opening suddenly became available in a class I needed to follow the new path. I began to feel moments of happiness for no apparent reason. I am a recovering alcoholic and overeater and have been in recovery groups for nearly 30 years. I was in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis even longer. My progress has always been gradual. But with Karen, the progress was immediate. This is the first thing I’ve done — in a 30-year journey — that was fast-acting! I have developed a real sense of trust in her guidance.” D.M.

“Thank you so much for your gift of healing. Everything we talked about made perfect sense. I slept beautifully that night. My dreams were all premised around being healed and healthy. The following morning I woke up feeling very clear. I felt as though I had just breathed in crisp fresh mountain air. When I stepped out of bed I felt as light as a feather. P.S. Your prayer was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me”!  L.L.

“I just wanted to let you know what happened following the session we did concerning my dealing with a difficult supervisor and work environment. I felt that I was being forced out of my job. Within a week of the prayers, I found out that I am being placed into a completely different area at work with a new supervisor and different group of people. Yeah”!!!!  T.M.

“Thank you for the prayers and session – it worked! The Superintendent who oversees my position had a history of being abusive and antagonistic not only towards me but his behavior had caused several of our staff to leave. After our session, I was floored when he exhibited a completely different tone. He took responsibility for his previous actions and then expressed a new desire that we work together as part of his team. He also expressed wanting to help me be successful in my career goals and said that he was there to support me. This is truly amazing because in our previous conversation he was quite ‘ugly’ and told me that not only did he see no future for me as part of his team but that he didn’t like me from the moment he met me. Clearly, the prayers/healing softened his heart”! Praise God!  K.B.

"When I came to you, I was extremely distressed because I was pregnant and had been unable to get our insurance company to cover the hospitalization expenses associated with the birth of our baby. They were refusing to cover it because I had gotten pregnant 4 weeks prior to our policy going into effect so it was being treated as a pre-existing condition which is excluded under the policy. I even went and met with representatives of the Insurance Commissioner’s Office. Although they sympathized, they informed me that legally, I had no recourse. I wanted to let you know that I am absolutely astounded as to how quickly the prayers and healing showed results. You told me that miracles do not follow logic and are in the supernatural realm and that nothing is impossible with God. Within less than a week of our session, a claims representative from our insurance company called and notified us that they were going to cover the birth of our child after all! We can’t thank you enough”. L.S

“Thank you so much for your help in the phone session. Much to the amazement of everyone, my Dad was released from the hospital on Wednesday. His lung doctor said that his pneumonia was the worst case he’s seen in 6 months. Many, many thanks and blessings to you! The Lord is amazing! C.K.

“Thank you again for your love and support. Once again, you have provided support and advice and counseling that you are so gifted at. It makes a huge difference in our lives”. C.R.

“I feel much clearer today about what I am doing and you confirmed that I wasn’t losing my mind. You have amazing abilities”. J.R.

“I want to tell you how grateful I am for the healing that is taking place in me. From the session,  I finally knew without a doubt that God is in, around and through me. That feeling has remained with me and I’m so very grateful. I feel at peace and I am in awe. I truly feel the work you do has put me on the fast track to realizing my true potential. My breast lump has completely disappeared and my breasts are no longer tender. My sleep is also back to normal. My TMJ is also no longer clicking and popping and my teeth are rapidly moving to the perfect position in my mouth. I prayed that I be sent to the right place and my prayers were answered”. K.C.

“Thanks again for the great and helpful session. Your work is invaluable. You have truly made a difference in the quality of my life. I am hoping to pass that forward so that I can make more of a contribution back to the world”. C.R.

“Shortly after our session in which we prayed that God position our spa to be sold, a wonderful esthetician came to work for us with a built in clientele which has helped our revenue. Also, out of the blue, Allure Magazine contacted us and plans to feature us in an upcoming issue. This will certainly help make our business much more attractive to potential buyers”. C.K.

"No wonder I couldn’t lose weight! Thank you so much for helping me identify and let go of what you call ‘psychological reversal’. I love your approach and have already lost a significant amount of weight”. A.S.

“It is unusual that you find someone who is so spiritual and yet also extremely knowledgeable about health issues. I was experiencing all sorts of seemingly unrelated symptoms which my physicians thought were due to a gastrointestinal issue. You were the only one who recognized it for what it was – a bout of transient thyrotoxicosis. Thank you for praying with me and for referring me to a physician that could really help me. It saved me from undergoing some very invasive and traumatic tests”.   J.D.

“I cannot express to you how much better I feel after meeting you. It is like a weight has been lifted off of me. And the changes that have been noticeable in my husband have certainly surprised me. I feel a sense of well being and happiness inside now that I haven’t felt in a long time”. R.M.

“I can’t believe how quickly you were able to help me let go of my food cravings. I can’t thank you enough”! L.O.

"...Please know that I will always be thankful for your role in my journey and for offering your help at such a scary and vulnerable time for me." A.P. 

Submit a testimonial using the form below.
